Third Annual National Day of Unplugging

It's that time of year again - the annual National Day of Unplugging.  Rooted in the Jewish practice of Shabbat, the National Day of Unplugging asks us to intentionally disconnect from technology and reconnect to the things that matter most to us. Here's the challenge, which lasts for 24 hours from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday:


[box] Shut down your computer.Turn off your cell phone. Stop the constant emailing, texting, Tweeting and Facebooking to take time to notice the world around you. Connect with loved ones. Nurture your health. Get outside. Find silence. Avoid commerce. Give back. Eat Together. [/box]

The day can jumpstart a more regular practice of unplugging, something I've written more about here, here, and here.

Want to give it a try?  Learn more and take the pledge here.